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‘the journey ​we walk ​together’

maree bisby

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APEC - Aboriginal Perspectives in Early Childhood - Marlou Consultancy is

dedicated to supporting stakeholders in the Early Years, including Educators, Directors, ​coordinators, TAE trainers, to embrace and integrate Aboriginal culture and perspectives into ​programs and practices.

I offer tailored consultancy, training, and resources to foster environments where Aboriginal​ cultures are respected and celebrated.​

I collaborate with educators, TAE trainers, and organisations to enhance their cultural ​responsiveness, ensuring that the next generation of children grow up with a strong understand​ing and appreciation of Indigenous herita​ge​.

My Mission

My mission is to provide guidance and resources to early childhood ​stakeholders, building cultural capacity to ensure that Aboriginal children ​receive the best possible start in life. I aim to foster an inclusive ​environment where every organisation, trainer, educator, director or ​coordinator feels valued on their cultural journey.

Meet Maree Bisby

Maree Bisby, a proud Wiradjuri woman, is an influential figure in early ​childhood education along with being a celebrated Aboriginal artist. With ​over 20 years of experience, Maree has become a beacon for integrating ​Aboriginal perspectives into the early childhood sector, offering training, ​mentoring, coaching whilst creating resources to assist in breaking down ​barriers to embracing Aboriginal culture across all sectors.

Throughout her extensive career, Maree has become, specialised in ​embedding Aboriginal perspectives into early childhood education. As a ​Cultural Advisor and Director, she has developed innovative programs ​which engage learners, on a journey which is no longer walked alone. Her ​efforts ensure that educators, directors, providers, children and families ​from diverse backgrounds experience a rich, inclusive, and respectful ​learning environment or workplace.

Aboriginal Artwork for your service

Maree Bisby -

Phone: 0414 809 422

Aboriginal Learning 8 WAYS

Empowering Educators to Implement Aboriginal Learning Principles

Our Aboriginal Learning 8 Ways Training Sessions are designed to build the capacity of educators, enabling ​them to effectively implement the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning in their educational settings. These ​sessions provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to integrate Indigenous perspectives ​and teaching methods into their practice, fostering a more inclusive and culturally responsive learning ​environment.

Understanding and Cultural Context:

In-depth exploration of the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning, including their cultural significance and ​relevance in contemporary education.

Practical Application:

Hands-on activities and strategies to integrate the 8 Ways into the existing curriculum, making it more ​inclusive and reflective of Aboriginal knowledge.

Building Cultural Competence:

Cultural sensitivity training and engagement with local Indigenous communities to enhance understanding ​and respect for Aboriginal cultures.

Ongoing Support and Development:

Continuous professional development through ongoing training sessions, workshops, and access to a ​variety of teaching resources and materials.

Cultural Competency Training

Tailored Workshops and Seminars

Custom-designed programs led by experts to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Comprehensive Knowledge

    • In-depth understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, and contemporary issues.

Skill Development

    • Training in culturally sensitive practices and effective communication with Indigenous ​communities.

Practical Application

    • Integration of Indigenous perspectives into curriculum and utilization of supportive ​resources.

Enhanced Respect and Inclusion

Promotion of inclusive practices and creation of safe, welcoming environments for Indigenous ​children and families.

Curriculum Development

In-Depth Cultural Integration

Incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, traditions, and contemporary realities into ​your curriculum.

Collaborative Approach

Engage with local Indigenous communities and involve stakeholders to ensure authentic and inclusive ​curriculum development.

Customised Curriculum Design

Tailor content to the specific needs of your educational setting and develop age-appropriate learning ​materials.

Resource Development and Utilisation

Provide access to quality resources and innovative teaching strategies to support the integration of ​Indigenous perspectives.

Professional Development and Ongoing Support

Offer training and continuous guidance for educators to confidently implement and sustain the inclusive ​curriculum.

Policy Advisory

Our Policy Advisory Service offers comprehensive guidance on creating and implementing culturally ​inclusive policies within organisations. This service ensures that your policies are respectful, inclusive, ​and supportive of diverse cultural perspectives, particularly those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ​Islander peoples.

Comprehensive Policy Review and Analysis

    • Assess and identify areas for improvement in existing policies to enhance cultural inclusivity.

Development of Culturally Inclusive Policies

    • Collaborate with leadership and stakeholders to create policies that reflect best practices for cultural ​inclusivity.

Implementation Strategy

    • Develop a detailed action plan and provide training to ensure effective adoption of new or revised ​policies.

Stakeholder Engagement

    • Engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and establish feedback mechanisms to ensure ​authentic representation and continuous improvement.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Regularly monitor policy effectiveness and make adjustments based on feedback and changing needs to ​ensure sustainable impact.

Community Engagement

Enhancing Collaboration with Local Indigenous Communities

Our Community Engagement Service focuses on developing strategies to enhance collaboration ​between your service and local Indigenous communities. By fostering meaningful relationships ​and partnerships, we help create a more inclusive and supportive environment that benefits both ​your organisation and the communities you serve.

Building Trust and Respect

Provide cultural sensitivity training for staff and establish open, transparent communication with ​local Indigenous communities.

Active Involvement and Collaboration

Engage in regular consultation with Indigenous leaders, participate in local events, and develop ​joint initiatives and programs that reflect Indigenous perspectives and needs.

Continuous Improvement and Sustainable Partnerships

Implement feedback mechanisms to gather community input, make responsive adjustments to ​strategies, and establish formal agreements for long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.


Quality Improvement Plan Review

Enhancing Indigenous Perspectives and NQF Alignment

Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Review Service offers specialised guidance to transform your ​QIP into a dynamic, living document. We ensure it effectively incorporates Indigenous perspectives ​and aligns with the National Quality Framework (NQF), driving continuous improvement and cultural ​inclusivity within your service.

Comprehensive Review and Analysis

    • Conduct a thorough review of your existing QIP to evaluate its effectiveness and ensure alignment ​with all elements of the National Quality Framework (NQF), including the National Quality Standard ​(NQS) and Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).

Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives

    • Embed Indigenous perspectives throughout your QIP by ensuring cultural inclusivity and engaging ​with local Indigenous communities to gather insights and incorporate their cultural knowledge and ​practices.

Collaborative Development and Ongoing Support

Work with educators, families, and community members to collaboratively develop and refine your ​QIP, create actionable plans, provide training and resources, and establish regular monitoring and ​evaluation processes to maintain a dynamic, effective QIP that supports continuous improvement ​and cultural inclusivity.

Assessment & Rating

Our Assessment & Rating Support Service helps early childhood education services prepare for the ​Assessment and Rating (A&R) process. We provide comprehensive support to audit and develop service ​governance and practices, ensuring compliance with the National Quality Framework (NQF) and ​excellence in the National Quality Standard (NQS).

Key Areas of Support

Governance and Leadership Enhancement

Review and update policies and procedures - Clarify roles and responsibilities. - Provide tailored ​professional development.

Educational Program and Practice Improvement

Develop EYLF-aligned curriculum - Promote inclusive practices and child-centered learning.

Health and Safety Management

    • Conduct risk assessments - Maintain high hygiene standards - Develop emergency procedures.

Professional Development Workshops

Early Childhood Services.

We offer workshops designed to educate and empower educators, teachers and families with the ​knowledge and skills to integrate Aboriginal cultural practices into their classrooms.


Traditional storytelling techniques

Use of natural materials in play

Incorporating Aboriginal languages

Aboriginal 8 Ways

Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives

TAE trainers and assessors

Tailored Consultancy

We provide customised consultancy services for trainers and assessors to embed Aboriginal ​perspectives in their curriculum and daily practices.

Our advisors work closely with trainers to assess current practices, identify gaps, and ​develop culturally inclusive strategies.

Training Programs

We offer comprehensive training programs designed specifically for trainers, focusing on ​enhancing cultural competence and understanding of Aboriginal cultures.

Our training covers key areas such as cultural safety, inclusive teaching practices, and ​integrating Aboriginal perspectives into early childhood education.

Our Approach


We work alongside trainers and organisations to develop sustainable practices that respect and ​celebrate Aboriginal cultures.

Culturally Informed

Our services are guided by Aboriginal advisors who bring deep cultural knowledge and experience.


We offer actionable insights and strategies that trainers can implement in their daily interactions and ​teaching.

Our Impact

By enhancing cultural competence among trainers, we ensure that the next generation of children ​grow up with a strong understanding and appreciation of Indigenous heritage.

Our work helps create inclusive early childhood environments where Aboriginal children feel seen, ​heard, and valued.

Cultural Audit

If you have ever wondered if your organisation is displaying cultural responsiveness, whether through staff ​knowledge, governance, ergonomics etc. A cultural Audit is a fantastic way to find out. Time is spent with the ​organisation receiving input and feedback via engagement and observation. A thorough checklist is ​completed and a report returned on how the organisation could work towards becoming more culturally ​aware and responsive.

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leadership speciality

Neurodiverse Leadership

Embracing and Integrating Neurodiverse Leadership Styles

Our Neurodiverse Leadership Training introduces the principles and practices of neurodiverse leadership, ​enriching your leadership toolbox with a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse cognitive styles. This ​training helps leaders leverage the strengths of neurodiverse individuals, fostering an inclusive, innovative, and ​effective leadership approach.

Cultural Leadership

Empowering Indigenous Voices and Fostering Inclusive Environments

Our Cultural Leadership Training is designed to equip leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to support ​Indigenous staff and families effectively. This training focuses on fostering an inclusive environment that values ​and integrates Indigenous cultures, perspectives, and contributions, enhancing overall organizational culture ​and community engagement.

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Phone: 0414 809 422